Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. is one of the best providers of funeral and cremation services in Marietta, PA and surrounding areas. Since 1899, we have served the community for four generations with great pride and joy in providing quality service. Our goal is focused on offering meaningful, and affordable funeral and cremation services that are appropriate to your needs. We strive to be the ultimate provider of a unique healing experience during your difficult time. Call us today at (717) 653-5441 to assist you through the process.

More than a century ago, the beginnings of Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. began to take shape. A carpenter tradesman named Alvin C. Sheetz was asked to provide wooden caskets for his community. In a few short years, his career shifted, and he began serving more of the funeral needs in earnest. This legacy has now passed through four generations of family service. With a strong history of the highest quality service and integrity, there is no one better to help you with your funeral home and cremations in Marietta, PA.
Choosing a family-owned and operated local business has some great benefits for consumers. Being owned and operated by the people who make the decisions means that adjustments for consumer needs can happen in real-time. Large corporations who own funeral homes answer to stockholders and need all decisions made by the governing board. Bottom line projections drive these decisions. This can result in less personal service and generalizations to the policy that may not be in the best interests of those who are grieving.
Understanding Your Service Options for Funeral Home and Cremations in Marietta, PA
Unlike many funeral homes, Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. experts are not exclusively focused on caring for the deceased remains. Instead, we approach the death care services in two categories. The first is obviously to take care of the dead and prepare them for the chosen final disposition. Our second responsibility we take every bit as seriously as the first: that of caring for the emotional needs of those who are mourning this loss. We do this by helping you and your family create honoring services to invite closure and healing through this difficult time.
Making your plans for funeral services can be as customized as you might wish. Also, it could be planned out in a very traditional format. We have worked with families and clergy of every lifestyle and faith background. Our funerary experts can guide you through the process of selecting which parts of the service are most relevant and will be meaningful to you and your family. Funerals have the body of the deceased present at the services, which can help offer a measure of closure and acceptance before final disposition takes place.
A cremation is an option that is gaining popularity year after year. Some reasons for this may include environmental objections to traditional casketing and burial practices. It is also often a more cost-effective means of body preparation for final disposition than embalming and casket burial. The flexibility offered for where the final remains can be laid to rest is another reason more people choose cremation services. A direct cremation is when the body is cremated soon after death, and no public honoring services are planned for at that time.
Planning in Advance
Another service that is becoming more popular is pre-planning for services like funeral home and cremations in Marietta, PA. These services can be prepped in a few ways. For instance, when a known death is looming, or when someone is simply putting their affairs in order as they might when securing life insurance or having a will drafted. Everyone will die someday, so having these plans in place will be used at some time in the future. If you expect to have many years of life ahead of you, you can make your selections and then revisit the plan every ten or fifteen years to reassess and make sure the plans are still what you want.
Prepayment of services, especially early on, could result in considerable savings when the need arises in the future. This is because you can lock in today’s prices now. For your protection, the law requires these funds must be held in a third-party trust to secure your investment. Having the financial aspect completed can alleviate some of the stress your family will feel at your passing.
Lifting the Broken Hearted
As expressed earlier, we feel a responsibility to the families who are grappling with this loss, whether it was expected or not. Therefore, our executive counseling director, Dr. Virginia Simpson, has created a fantastic interactive digital resource for after-care needs. Along with this resource, we will help you and your loved ones find the tools you need to begin healing and coping with this new life that you are facing.
Begin Arrangements Right Away
For future, upcoming, or immediate needs regarding funeral home and cremations in Marietta, PA, you will want to work with a funeral home with your best interests in mind. We strive to be the best of the best at Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. You can begin making arrangements by calling (717) 653-5441. Our facility is ready to support you and is available for a scheduled tour at 16 E Main St, Mount Joy, PA 17552.
Funeral Home & Cremations FAQs
What happens at a cremation service?
- The cremation process begins with those closest family members present being invited into an adjacent room where there is usually a shrine or altar set-up that has been made by friends or relatives following preparations before death.
What are the benefits of pre-planning a funeral?
- There are several benefits of pre-planning your funeral, including the peace you'll feel knowing that everything is taken care of and who will be in charge at this difficult time. Not only can it save money by not having any surprises on top or cost overruns, but it ensures those close to us get exactly what they want when we're gone!
Can you have a reception after a funeral?
- A reception after funeral service is one way, but it's up to everyone how they want their loved ones honored. There are plenty of creative options out there from planting trees in memory or writing letters with thoughts about what made them an important part of your life together.