Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. offers meaningful and affordable funeral and cremation services in Elizabethtown, PA and surrounding areas. We have been family-owned and operated for four generations, we are happy to serve the community with utmost excellence and pride. Our goal has always been to provide you with a unique healing experience during your difficult time. Our state-of-the-art facility is big enough for small or large gatherings and fully customizable to accommodate your every needs. Get in touch with us by calling (717) 653-5441.

With more than 4 generations of Sheetz Family heritage and well over a century of history providing death care in the area, Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. is well equipped to meet your needs and offer support through this time of loss. Making arrangements for funeral and cremation in Elizabethtown, PA, is much easier to do when capable and experienced professionals help you along.
Working with a smaller family-owned and operated business rather than one overseen by a corporate conglomerate can make a big difference in the kind of care you experience. When the primary decision-makers for a business are involved in everyday operations, there is a sense of what is working well and what needs to change to support our clients. These shifts can take place in real-time in a business that is owned and operated locally.
Learn More About Service Options for Funeral Home and Cremations in Elizabethtown, PA
One difference that sets us apart from many other funeral homes is that we think of our job as providing two things. Yes, the handling of physical remains is a definite priority – just as vital is the emotional aspect of our work. Helping families design healing services to say these challenging goodbyes and lay your loved one to rest is an integral part of mourning your loss. Honoring services are the best when they are created through the lens of what is most appropriate for the circumstances and the needs of those who will attend.
Planning out funeral services can be customized any way you want it to be. Some funerals are very traditional in format and substance, which can be very comforting and familiar. Other services might be less conventional and tailored to the needs of the family. Funerals can be small or very large. They can be held in many different locations to accommodate the expected guest list and create an environment that feels right to you. The opportunity to pay final respects to the deceased before burial or cremation can invite closure and acceptance.
Cremation services offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to making final arrangements. Obviously, handling the deceased remains is a very time-sensitive issue. Having the remains cremated can expand the possible timeline for honoring services. A memorial or celebration of life services can occur flexibly as the deceased remains don’t need to be in attendance at those kinds of services. It is also possible to forgo any public honoring event and have the remains cremated and returned to the next of kin. A direct cremation is the name of that service.
Final Disposition Options
Burial in a cemetery or memorial park can be the main event in an honoring meeting. Graveside funeral or committal services could be all that you feel is necessary. Cremated remains could be buried in an urn plot much like a coffin plot. You will need to follow the rules of the specific establishment for the burial of any kind to take place. Entombment within mausoleum and columbarium spaces is also a possible solution for burial above ground.
Cremated remains are the collection of bone fragments left after the body has been burned in a cremation chamber. These “cremains” or “ashes” can be laid to rest in a number of ways. Scattering of the ashes can take place in formal cremation gardens, on private land, or in some cases, public land when permissions and permits have been obtained as necessary. Many families choose to keep the ashes close to them within a displayable urn.
Making Plans for Future Needs With Pre-Planning
Pre-Planning is a wonderful option to set your own affairs in order for funeral home and cremations in Elizabethtown, PA, before the need is realized. Since every one of us will someday die, this is a service that applies to everyone. Pre-plans can be set for anyone in any age bracket or health condition. Online forms or in-person appointments are available to meet your needs in this regard.
Many Resources and Tools to Support Those who are Mourning
Part of our commitment to our clients is to connect them with resources and tools to help them on the grieving path. One such resource we love to share is our digitally based, interactive after-care program. This program features Dr. Virginia Simpson, who is our executive counseling director. Supporting the needs of mourning individuals and families is a big part of what we do.
Connect With Our Qualified Staff to Begin Making Arrangements
As you are making any needed arrangements for funeral home and cremations in Elizabethtown, PA, give yourself the support you will need. Connect with the professionals at Sheetz Funeral Home, Inc. by calling (717) 653-5441 or stopping by to see us at 16 E Main St, Mount Joy, PA 17552. You can ask for a tour or get started on planning.
Funeral Home & Cremations FAQs
What happens at a veteran’s funeral?
- As in any other military funeral, the body of a veteran is brought to its final resting place. The burial typically takes place with full honors and it's not uncommon for there to be an honor guard detail accompanying them on their last journey.
Can you make funeral preparations ahead of time?
- Yes, you can make funeral preparations ahead of time. Funeral homes will store a body or cremated remains until you are ready to finalize your arrangements and where the service is going to be held for viewing purposes.
Is pre-planning a funeral a good idea?
- Pre-planning funeral ceremonies offer many benefits such as being able to say goodbye before you leave Earth and provide certainty about how your remains will be handled afterward without having any unanswered questions that might cause grief when grieving already starts so soon after losing someone close to us.